Accessing Theatres

in a Wheelchair

Do you like going to the theatre to see a show - but being in a wheelchair makes you think twice?
Click Here to check out our experiences below

What gives us the “right” to have opinions on this?

As my husband is a wheelchair user and frequent UK Theatregoer, I think I am in a great position to help others with information and assistance to enjoy all that London Theatre (and the rest of the UK) has to offer.

Whilst this blog concentrates specifically on Theatre and The Arts, it can equally be used for Sports Venues, Concert Venues and many other activities where disabled patrons attend in numbers.

But, what exactly do we mean when we say “disabled.”

Although we acknowledge there are many different classification of disability - i.e Hearing Impaired, Vision Impaired and Autism Spectrum Disorders, to name but a frew, our intention here is to concentrate on those who are classed as “disabled wheelchair users.”

But, why am I in such a good position to tell you about Access and Theatres.

My husband was diagnosed with a physical disability in 2011 and became a wheelchair user just over two years ago. During the last two years, we have discovered how varied the assistance from theatres is and how differently they deal with very simalar issues.
